Ссылка на официальную страницу: http://psychologyofeating.com/transform ... ship-food/Are you tired of the same old messages about food, nutrition and health? Are you interested in letting go of the inner struggle around body image and weight? Have you ever imagined a greater possibility when it comes to your relationship with food – a way of eating and living that could leave you truly nourished and fulfilled? It’s time for a fresh, new conversation when it comes to eating. It’s time for a breakthrough. This 8-week course is an opportunity to take a decisive leap forward with food! You’ll learn some of the powerful tools and techniques from the new approaches of Dynamic Eating Psychology and Mind Body Nutrition that can help you create the change you need most. Marc David – Nutritional Psychology expert, best-selling author, and founder of the Institute for the Psychology of Eating – will deliver easy-to-practice techniques to transform your relationship with food and energize your metabolism. This will be an inspiring time together where you’ll discover the nutritionist within, and learn to nourish your body in a whole new way.
Institute for the Psychology of Eating
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Institute for the Psychology of Eating
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